Our Ice Cream Social Was a Big Success

The CCDC could not have asked for better weather on Sunday for our Ice Cream Social. A record number of people turned out to eat ice cream — homemade ice cream and store-bought ice cream — hang out with friends and neighbors and play yard games.

The homemade ice cream was absolutely delicious: Luscious Buttermilk Strawberry (homemade buttermilk) made by Gregory Tran; Amazing Mulberry Crunch The mulberries were from a tree in Clarksville) made by Thomas Schiefer; and Heavenly Chocolate and Coffee Bomb, both of which were made by 14-year old Beckett Raftus.

Ice Cream Social attendees voted the Coffee Bomb ice cream their #1 favorite. The Luscious Buttermilk Strawberry was the runner up. Beckett was crowned Clarksville’s King of Ice Cream and Gregory was crowned The Spare.


Come to the Haskell House for Austin Museum Day


We've Got a Really Sweet Event Coming Up!