Minutes, January 17, 2023

Minutes from the January 17, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

The meeting was held outside the Haskell House

Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Scheifer, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran.

Others in attendance: Brad Prak, Prak Property Management

1. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Aubrey, the minutes from the November 15, 2022 monthly board meeting were approved.

2. Brad discussed the month financial reports. Highlights included that revenue from rental leases is just under $15,000. One tenant who was behind is not caught up. He reported that the Prak monthly management fee is higher than usual this month due to staff work associated with an eviction. An expense of $24,970 was for a roof replacement. We have 1 roof remaining that needs to be replaced. Expenditure exceeded income, primarily due to the roof replacement.

Brad reported that the annual audit is underway.

Minutes from the January 12, 2023, Finance & Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes.

3. Monthly property reports.

a. Brad reported that work is underway in the recently vacated unit. There is old termite damage that is being repaired, and new flooring might be needed. He anticipated it will be ready to re-release in February. Monthly rent will be $1150. 1011B Charlotte will be vacant sometime this quarter—current tenant is moving into a Habitat home! The unit will need some work before it can be rented again, but the work will not be extensive. All leases have been renewed.

b. Kim reported on progress at 1611 W. 10th Street. The kitchen & bath cabinets have been installed and all interior doors have been hung. There have been a string of delays with pouring concrete for the driveway/porch/steps. American YouthWorks anticipates the interior will be complete by March, but the concrete work will delay exterior work. Kim reported that Sherry Cardino, our Austin Housing Finance Corporation contact, retired at the end of 2022. Gabrielle Restivo will be taking on our project. Brad stated that it will not take much time to move tenants into the unit once it is completed.

c. We have approximately $16,000 remaining from the housing money donated by OWANA which we would like to use toward replacing the remaining roof that needs attention. Mary will share this information with OWANA’s Marissa Latta

4. Brad reported that Prak Property Management has been struggling staff-wise, but that he wants to keep working with us. Our bookkeeping needs have been greater than anticipated so PPM will need an increase going forward. The Board discussed ways that we can help to lighten the load, and looks forward to continuing to work with PPM.

5. Mary presented a list of possible events for 2023 CCDC events. After a discussion, the Board agreed to rank their interest. She will compile the results and report back.

6. Kim reported that the CCDC will be participating in this year’s I Live Here I Give Here/Amplify Austin campaign (March 1-2.) Our fundraising goal is $10,000. Based on what other non-profits earned last year, this is optimistic, but it will give us something to work toward. We will be using Instagram and Facebook to spread word, along with emails to our members and supporters. Board participation in spreading the word will be appreciated.  

7. Mary reported that an overhaul of our website is underway. The goal is to have the new one up by mid-March.

8. Mary requested approval for CCDC to join the Austin Affordable Housing Coalition. Annual cost is $150. Kathy Tyler and Mark Rogers suggested we join. The board approved the expenditure.

9. Paula reported that despite some food issues (cold tamales, late cookies) the Caroling event was a success. The kids loved the snow machine and the crafts. Although the crowd was smaller than in the past, everyone had a great time. While OWANA didn’t provide funding this year, Paula has insured that funds are included in the budget for next year. A huge shoutout to Sheila Lyons for her generous donation to the event.

10. In Other Business, Kim asked if our tenant handbook includes information on the City of Austin's Customer Assistance Programs (CAP) utility discounts. Mary said that she believed it was included, but the board agreed it would be a good idea to send out a reminder.

11. The board did not meet in Executive Session.

Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On November 29, 2022, the board authorized Mary Reed to send a letter to the City Council stating the CCDC’s opposition to the proposed Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone proposed for the Statesman PUD. Opposition was based on the board’s belief that not enough consideration was being given to affordable housing. The matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the January meeting.


Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on January 12th, 2023

1. BJ Friedman reviewed December’s financials.

2. Mary reported that Kim anticipates work at 1611 will be completed in March. Cabinets have been installed and tile work has begun. Concrete will be poured for driveway and front steps once a permit has been issued.

Mary also reported that all of the work at 1011 Charlotte that was funded with OWANA $ has been completed and that $16K plus remains of that money. Brad is getting a bid to address the staircase at 1708 West 10th using the remaining funds. However, that project is likely to cost more than what remains. 

3. At Kim’s request, the committee discussed what the CCDC’s fundraising goal should be for the “I Live Here, I Give Here” campaign. Kim had suggested $5,000, but the committee members felt that our goal should be $10,000. Mary said she would let Kim know.

4. Paula has resigned from the F & O Committee because she is now the CCDC’s representative on the OWANA steering committee. Mary proposed asking Gregory to join the Committee and both BJ and Chris thought that was a good idea.


Minutes, February 21, 2023


Minutes, November 15, 2022